No, literally. A fire broke out across the highway from our home on 9/8/12 (yes, this is recent news due to the fact that I am a very slacky blogger). Here is a link to my Pinterest tribute to the Horsethief Canyon Fire:
Helicopters and planes have been a part of my gardening life for weeks now. I've occasionally had to invent an errand and leave the house to escape the constant drone of engines above our house.
The view from our driveway about an hour after the fire started
A helicopter over the garden
Day 1 of the fire from the top of our neighborhood (P.S. huge thanks to firefighters who kept ours and many other neighborhoods safe. These are some seriously hard-working people)
Smoke still fills the valley, but the 3000+ acre fire is almost fully under control now.
(those are my neighbor's sunflowers. Here is an unofficial Teton Gardening trophy to her for the biggest freaking sunflowers in the neighborhood. Go girl!)
A picture I took today from above the valley
And, now...on to the VICTORY part. It's the little things that make me jump up and down in the driveway, causing the neighbors to stare. But, when I tasted my first tomato of the season (finally!!) it was worth it.
See that?? Yeah, that's a tomato, sans blossom rot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was told I over-fertilized, under-fertilized, over-watered, under-watered. Finally, through the power of the almighty Google, I came to the conclusion that my tomatoes were calcium deficient.
CALCIUM CHLORIDE, people. Get ya some.
I now have the delicious, rot-free tomatoes I knew I could. I started spraying them once a week with calcium chloride. Tips on the bottle that seem to ring true:
-once a week
-at dusk (so as not to cause burning)
I did still apply fertilizer once a month-Happy Frog organic tomato fertilizer is my favorite, but be warned *dogs love to stick their faces in this fertilizer*